Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Trip up San Francisco's Market Street

Several weeks ago the CBS program Sixty Minutes did a great segment on a historical film documenting a trolley car trip up San Francisco's Market Street just months before the 1906 quake.

We thought we'd join in the fun and highlight here the kind of virtual tour of old  Market Street you can enjoy on SepiaTown.

Click on an image below to see it mapped on SepiaTown...


  1. I saw that Video that 60 minutes did and it was amazing to watch. I was taken by the number of crazy drivers out on the road in 1906!

  2. Make sure to hook yourself up with a NUCCA Chiropractor. All that walking in hilly San Fran, does a number on your back.

  3. Yep, the walking does take its toll. Just make sure to take one of the many san francisco tours and you'll be ok.
